Struct Time

Tracks time-based statistics about the running game.

struct Time ;


this (total, elapsed) Instantiate an instance where runningSlowly is false.
this (other, runningSlowly) Instantiate a copy of an instance of Time with an explicit value for runningSlowly.


delta[get] core.time.DurationAmount of time elapsed since the last update.
deltaMilliseconds[get] longAmount of time elapsed since the last update, in milliseconds.
deltaSeconds[get] floatAmount of time elapsed since the last update, in seconds.
runningSlowly[get] boolWhether or not the game loop is taking longer than its targetElapsedTime. In this case, the game loop can be considered to be running too slowly and should do something to "catch up."
total[get] core.time.DurationAmount of time elapsed since the start of the game.
totalMilliseconds[get] longAmount of time elapsed since the start of the game, in milliseconds.
totalSeconds[get] floatAmount of time elapsed since the start of the game, in seconds.
zero[get] TimeAn instance of Time where total, delta, and runningSlowly is false