Function Buffer.bindingLayout

__C.WGPUBindGroupLayoutEntry bindingLayout (
  uint location,
  ShaderStage visibility,
  BufferBindingType type = BufferBindingType.uniform,
  std.typecons.Flag!("hasDynamicOffset") hasDynamicOffset =,
  uint minBindingSize = 0u


location Unique binding location, equal to that of the corresponding BindGroupEntry and shader location.
visibility Bitset of ShaderStage members. Each set bit indicates that a resource is accessible from the associated shader stage.
type Required type of the buffer bound to the binding. Defaults to BufferBindingType.uniform.
hasDynamicOffset Whether the binding has a dynamic offset.
minBindingSize Minimum size of the binding, validated during Device.createBindGroup. Defaults to 0. If this is not 0, pipeline creation validates that this value is large enough for the bindings declared in the shader. If this is 0, draw/dispatch commands validate that each binding in the group is large enough for the bindings declared in the shader.