Class InputMapBinding

An InputEventAction builder.

class InputMapBinding ;


deadZone floatA minimum threshold to avoid small input noise and reduce sensitivity. Useful with analog inputs, i.e. mouse motion, mouse wheel movement, and joypad sticks.
strengthCurve float delegate(float, float)A curve formula to influence the strength of held inputs. Defaults to constant strength.


appliesTo (event) Whether this action binding applies to the given InputEvent
keyboardDown (key, modifiers)
keyboardHeld (key, modifiers)
keyboardPressed (key, modifiers)
keyboardReleased (key, modifiers)
mouseHeld (button)
mouseMotion (axes) Bind changes to the mouse motion state, optionally filtered by the given bitwise combination of Axis
mousePressed (button)
mouseReleased (button)
mouseWheel (axes) Bind changes to the mouse wheel state, optionally filtered by the given bitwise combination of Axis
withDeadZone (deadZone)
withStrengthCurve (curve)

See Also

Builder Design Pattern on