Function xsDefine

For theAttributes, specify the constants corresponding to the attributes you want to set (the others being cleared).

void xsDefine (
  scope xs.bindings.xsMachineRecord* the,
  const(xs.bindings.xsSlotRecord) this_,
  short id,
  const(xs.bindings.xsSlotRecord) slot,
  ubyte attributes

The xsDontDelete, xsDontEnum, and xsDontSet attributes correspond to the ECMAScript DontDelete, DontEnum, and ReadOnly attributes. By default a property can be deleted, enumerated, and set.

When a property is created, if the prototype of the instance has a property with the same name, its attributes are inherited; otherwise, by default, a property can be deleted, enumerated, and set, and can be used by scripts.


In ECMAScript:

Object.defineProperty(this, "foo", 7, { writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true });

In D:

machine.xsDefine(xsThis, xsID_foo, xsInteger(7), xsDefault);