Class Machine

A JavaScript virtual machine.

class Machine ;


this (name, creationOptions, preloadedScripts) Create and allocate a new JavaScript VM.


defaultCreation xs.bindings.xsCreationRecordDefault VM creation options.
name const(string)Name of this VM.


boolean (value) Returns a Boolean JSValue given a bool value.
collectGarbage () Collect garbage values from this VM.
from (the) Create a Machine given a xsMachine.
get (this_, id) Get a property or item of an instance.
has (this_, id) Tests whether an instance has a property corresponding to a particular ECMAScript property name.
id (name)
integer (value) Returns a Number JSValue given an int value.
nameOf (id)
number (value) Returns a Number JSValue given a double value.
set (this_, id, value) Set a property or item of an instance.
string_ (value) Returns a String JSValue given a string value.
toId (slot)
unsigned (value) Returns a Number JSValue given an uint value.
value (slot) Returns a JSValue given a value slot.