Device.createTexture - multiple declarations

Function Device.createTexture

Creates a new Texture.

Texture createTexture (
  uint width,
  uint height,
  const(TextureFormat) format,
  const(TextureUsage) usage,
  const(TextureDimension) dimension = TextureDimension._2d,
  uint mipLevelCount = 1u,
  uint sampleCount = 1u,
  uint depthOrArrayLayers = 1u,
  const(string) label = null
) const;


The created texture will have one mip level and a single sample used in fragments.


width Width of the texture.
height Height of the texture.
format Bit-level format of the texture's data.
usage How the texture shall be used.
dimension Dimesnionality of the texture, e.g. 2D or 3D. Defaults to 2D.
mipLevelCount Number of mipmapping levels of this texture, usually used to reduce aliasing effects. Defaults to one.
sampleCount Number of samples used in each fragment. Defaults to one.
depthOrArrayLayers Depth/total array layers of the texture. Defaults to one. See Limits.maxTextureArrayLayers.
label Optional, human-readable debug label for the texture.

Function Device.createTexture

Creates a new Texture.

Texture createTexture (
  const(__C.WGPUExtent3D) extent,
  const(TextureFormat) format,
  const(TextureUsage) usage,
  const(TextureDimension) dimension = TextureDimension._2d,
  uint mipLevelCount = 1u,
  uint sampleCount = 1u,
  const(string) label = null
) const;


extent Size and depth/total array layers of the texture. See Limits.maxTextureArrayLayers.
format Bit-level format of the texture's data.
usage How the texture shall be used.
dimension Dimesnionality of the texture, e.g. 2D or 3D. Defaults to 2D.
mipLevelCount Number of mipmapping levels of this texture, usually used to reduce aliasing effects. Defaults to one.
sampleCount Number of samples used in each fragment. Defaults to one.
label Optional, human-readable debug label for the texture.

Function Device.createTexture

Creates a new Texture.

Texture createTexture (
  const(__C.WGPUTextureDescriptor) descriptor
) const;


descriptor Specifies the general format of the texture.