get dbpf

Module dbpf



Read and write Database Packed File (DBPF) archives.

See Also


Chance Snow


MIT License


  • isValidDbpfVersion

    enum auto isValidDbpfVersion(float V);

    Determines whether V is a valid DBPF version number.

    See Also



    • 1.0 seen in SimCity 4, The Sims 2
    • 1.1 seen in The Sims 2
    • 2.0 seen in Spore, The Sims 3
    • 3.0 seen in SimCity (2013)

  • Header

    struct Header(float V = 1) if (isValidDbpfVersion!V);



    DBPF archive version. See Version.

    See Also

    DBPF Header (SC4D Encyclopedia)

    • identifier

      static const identifier;

      Always DBPF.

    • magic

      ubyte[4] magic;

      Always DBPF.

    • version_

      Version version_;
    • unknown1

      uint unknown1;

      Unused, possibly reserved.

    • unknown2

      uint unknown2;

      Unused, possibly reserved.

    • unknown3

      const uint unknown3;

      Should always be zero in DBPF v2.0.

    • dateCreated

      uint dateCreated;

      Date created. Unix timestamp.


      Unused in DBPF 1.1.

    • dateModified

      uint dateModified;

      Date modified. Unix timestamp.


      Unused in DBPF v1.1.

    • indexMajorVersion

      uint indexMajorVersion;

      Major version of the Index table.


      Always 7 in The Sims 2 and SimCity 4. If this is a DBPF v2.0 archive, then it is 0 for Spore.

      See Also


    • indexEntryCount

      uint indexEntryCount;

      Number of entries in the Index Table.

    • indexOffset

      uint indexOffset;

      Offset to Index table, in bytes. Location of first index entry.

    • indexSize

      uint indexSize;

      Size of the Index table, in bytes.

    • holeEntryCount

      uint holeEntryCount;

      Number of Hole entries in the Hole Record.

    • holeOffset

      uint holeOffset;

      Location of the hole Record.

    • holeSize

      uint holeSize;

      Size of the hole Record, in bytes.

    • indexMinorVersion

      uint indexMinorVersion;

      Minor version of the Index table.


      In The Sims 2 for DBPF v1.1+.

      In DBPF >= v2.0, this is 3, otherwise:

      • 1 = v7.0
      • 2 = v7.1

      See Also


    • indexOffset

      uint indexOffset;

      Offset to Index table, in bytes. Location of first index entry.

    • unknown4

      uint unknown4;
    • reserved

      ubyte[24] reserved;

      Reserved for future use.

    • indexVersion

      const @property Version indexVersion();

      Computed, human-readable Index table version.

  • Version

    struct Version;


    For DBPF version specifiers:
    • 1.0 seen in SimCity 4, The Sims 2
    • 1.1 seen in The Sims 2
    • 2.0 seen in Spore, The Sims 3
    • 3.0 seen in SimCity(2013)
    For DBPF Index table version specifiers:
    • 7.0 seen in SimCity 4, The Sims 2
    • 7.1 seen in The Sims 2

    • simCity4

      static const float simCity4;
      static const float sc4;
    • sims2

      static const float sims2;
    • spore

      static const float spore;
    • sims3

      static const float sims3;
    • simCity

      static const float simCity;

      SimCity (2013)

    • simCity4Index

      static const Version simCity4Index;
    • sc4Index

      static const Version sc4Index;
    • major

      uint major;
    • minor

      uint minor;
  • isValidIndexVersion

    enum auto isValidIndexVersion(float V);

    Determines whether V is a valid DBPF Index table version number.

    See Also


  • Entry

    struct Entry;
    struct ResourceEntry;

    Index Tables list the contents of a DBPF package.


    The index table is very similar to the directory file (DIR) within a DPBF package. The difference being that the Index Table lists every file in the package, whereas the directory file only lists the compressed files within the package. Reader presents a directory file that is a mashup of these two entities, listing every file in the package, as well as indicating whether or not that particular file is compressed.

    See Also

    DBPF Index Table (SC4D Encyclopedia)

    • tgi

      Tgi tgi;
    • offset

      uint offset;

      Location offset of a file in the archive, in bytes.

    • size

      uint size;

      Size of a file, in bytes.

  • TableEntry

    alias TableEntry = std.sumtype.SumType!(Entry, ResourceEntry).SumType;
  • Table

    alias Table = SumType!(Entry, ResourceEntry)[];
  • EntryFilter

    alias EntryFilter = bool function(SumType!(Entry, ResourceEntry) entry);
  • entryOf

    bool entryOf(alias T)(TableEntry entry) if (is(typeof(T) == Tgi) || is(typeof(T.asOriginalType) == Tgi));
  • HoleTable

    struct HoleTable;

    A Hole Table contains the location and size of all holes in a DBPF file.


    Holes are created when the game deletes something from a DBPF. The holes themselves are simply junk data of the appropriate length to fill the hole.

    • location

      uint location;

      Location offset, in bytes.

    • size

      uint size;

      Size, in bytes.

  • FileHeader

    struct FileHeader;

    Occurs before File.contents, if and only if the File is compressed.

  • File

    struct File(Flag!"compressed" Compressed = false);
    alias UncompressedFile = File!;
    alias CompressedFile = File!Flag.yes.File;

    Files fill the bulk of a DBPF archive.

    A file header exists only if this file is compressed.


    Each file is either uncompressed or compressed. To check if a file is compressed you first need to read the DIR file, if it exists. If no DIR entry exists, then no files within the package are compressed.

    • header

      FileHeader header;

      Exists only if this file is compressed.

    • contents

      ubyte[] contents;

      Contents of this file.

      See List of File Formats for a list of the file types that may exist within a DBPF archive.

    • size

      const @property uint size();

      Uncompressed size of this file, in bytes.

  • ArchiveException

    class ArchiveException: object.Exception;

    Thrown when an Archive is invalid or corrupt.

  • isValidVersion

    enum auto isValidVersion(float DBPF, float V);

    Determines whether DBPF and V` are valid DBPF and Index table versions.

    See Also

    • isValidDbpfVersion
    • isValidIndexVersion
    • Version

  • Archive

    struct Archive(float DBPF) if (isValidDbpfVersion!DBPF);
    • path

      const string path;
    • metadata

      Head metadata;
    • entries

      Table entries;
    • directory

      const UncompressedFile* directory;

      If no DIR entry exists, then no files within the package are compressed.

    • this

      this(string path);

      Open a DBPF archive from the given file path.


      FileException when the archive is not found, or there is some I/O error.


      ArchiveException when the archive is invalid or corrupt.

    • close

      void close();
  • SimCity4Archive

    alias SimCity4Archive = Archive!1.0F.Archive;
  • Sims2Archive

    alias Sims2Archive = Archive!1.1F.Archive;
  • SporeArchive

    alias SporeArchive = Archive!2.0F.Archive;
  • Sims3Archive

    alias Sims3Archive = Archive!2.0F.Archive;
  • SimCity2013Archive

    alias SimCity2013Archive = Archive!3.0F.Archive;